Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is located in the main school building to enable access for students, staff and community groups. It has been attractively designed to promote the use of our IT facilities, reference books, fiction and careers resources. In addition we have DVDs, magazines and newspapers for students to use.
We aim to facilitate study and research. Learning skills are actively supported and developed through the curriculum and the resources available.
The ground floor is a multi-use area which has modern projection and audio facilities to enable presentations and external events to take place. Upstairs there are two spacious computer areas which allow students to undertake individual work. Sixth Formers have access to these areas for private study.
Careers resources are available for independent research and are linked to programmes on the computer system for instance Kudos, Launchpad and Careerscape. Careers interviews by our "ADVIZA" Careers Advisor are available. UCAS and university prospectus information is updated each year.
In addition to providing space and resources for private study, the LRC also runs a range of activities designed to enhance and widen students' learning experience. These include Film Club, a BGN Book Club, various literacy-based competitions, chess tournaments, and interactive displays relevant to the curriculum and to the Catholic year.
The LRC is open:
- 8.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and until 3.30pm on Friday
- Lunchtime and breaks for all students
- Access is available for the Sixth Form at all times and the Sixth Form Silent Study Area in the LRC.
- Before and after school the LRC is open for homework and private study (computers are available)